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Pastor Adam & Jackie Kalenberg
Associate Pastors

Pastor Adam and Jackie Kalenberg join LWN's ministry team as our Associate Pastors.  Adam is a graduate of Bethel University with his masters in  psychology & christian counseling.   

Pastors Russ & Cyndi Kalenberg
Head Pastors

Pastors Russ and Cyndi Kalenberg are the founders and Pastors of Living Word North based in Brainerd, MN. Both have graduated from Rhema Bible College. Pastors Russ and Cyndi live in the Brainerd Lakes Area and have 3 sons, Lincoln, Brandon and Adam.

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Jen & Brandon Kalenberg
Childrens Pastor/Maintenance & Security

Jen leads our children's ministries and helps serve in Media.   Brandon is a former police officer for 9 years & oversees security & facility maintenance.

Tyler & Jenny Miller
Youth Pastors/Media Team

Tyler and Jenny pastor the True North Youth group, and oversee announcements and social media. They also help with the development of our young adults ministry.

Jeff & Bev Berg
Evangelism/Welcome Center

Jeff and Bev lead our evangelism ministry, and oversee our guest Welcome Center .

Gary & Mary Kay Anderson
Altar Care Ministry

Gary and Mary Kay head our Altar Care ministry during our services. They lead our prayer team.

Sharon Thomas
Head of Nursery

Sharon has been a faithful member of LWN over the years. She's been serving in the nursery for many years. We're so thankful to have such a loyal kind spirit leading this department.

Larry & Val Specht
Head Ushers

Larry and Val have been loyal servants in many areas of our church leadership over the years. They are currently the head of the Ushers ministry.

Encounter GOD. Equip PEOPLE. Change the WORLD.​

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